


I finished up the swag I was making for my swap partner Amy. I found out she is going to be having a baby at the end of I'm thinking I want to make her a "baby" swag as well :-) I am so happy for her! I also worked up some "pirate" swags for my grandson's first birthday. I have yet to string them together as I'm unsure if I want keep it all solid black or add another color.... still thinking on that.
Well here is my little house that I'm making for the cute cottage swap. So far so good. I used 60 grit sand paper for the roofs shingles. I am unsure about the steps, I may go a whole different look.
I am making it so that the roof can come off so you can see inside. I've lined the inside of the house, and I made a brick floor as well. I have in mind to have one of my baby fairies take up residence in this little cottage. I am anxious to complete it so I can add the glitter and snow and see it in all its glory :-)
Here is little Harry sitting and contemplating life~and this little cherub is Margaret~

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